Possible Kitchen Reface?
If you've already decided that you'd like to update or just replace your existing Kitchen, you'll be ready to work out if you need to go to all the expense, time and trouble, of replacing your whole kitchen - Or it might be that you're a good candidate for a Reface and don't need to Replace.
Consider these questions to work out what's best for you, and what budget you'll need to make the changes you want.
Does your existing kitchen layout work well for you?
If the answer is yes, then you probably have little need for a complete kitchen replacement. If the answer is no, then you might want to consider replacing only a few of your existing cabinets to achieve the changes you want.
How unique is your kitchen?
Does your existing kitchen have special or unique features that you'd either like to replace, or add to your new kitchen layout?
Do you want to make changes to your layout?
Does your existing Kitchen space offer the scope to change or add to your existing layout? If the answer is yes and you'd like to take advantage of that space, you can either add to your space in a contrasting style, or create a new overall, new kitchen look and feel, with a new Installation.
Are your existing cabinets in good condition, sturdy and mostly undamaged with only a little wear and tear?
If your existing cabinets and structures are in good condition, there's probably little need to replace them. This can mean a huge saving in cost, time and upheaval. It also means that you can more than likely reface your existing space with the minimum of help from an installer.
Ready for a Reface?
If you're happy with the layout and functionality of your existing Kitchen space, then you're a prime candidate for a Kitchen Reface project. This means less cost, less mess and less disruption.
See our Kitchen door styles here
Possibly a Reface?
If you'd like to make a few changes to your existing Kitchen space, then it might be that you can reface and replace just a few units and functionality without it costing the earth. Refacing might still a good option for you but may require a little more planning or a higher degree of installation expertise.
See our kitchen door styles
See our single kitchen cabinets
See our single units with doors
Looks like you're ready for a Replace, not Reface?
If you'd like to change you layout completely and maybe even want to move appliances and plumbing, then you're probably a better candidate for a kitchen replacement project. You'll probably need the help of a professional installer and maybe even the help of a kitchen designer.
See our Jigsaw Kitchen Units