Use our Quick Calculator to quickly estimate the cost of your replacement kitchen doors. Simply count your door and drawer fronts and select the style you require.
Quick Calculator
Start your journey towards your new replacement doors here. The most cost effective way to change the look and feel of your existing kitchen is to replace the doors. By replacing your old door for new and maybe a few accessories, you’ll have what looks and feels like a brand new kitchen.
Simply choose the style you'd like and count your existing door and drawer fronts. Our calculator will show you a quick estimated price to replace your doors in your new chosen style.
You can see from the table below, a Quick calculation to replace the doors and drawers based on the sample kitchen image above. Count your own existing doors and drawers to get your own QuickCalculated* estimate.
When you're ready, the next step is to measure your existing doors and create your order for your guaranteed discounted price.
There’s no commitment or obligation to create your order, using your actual door and drawer sizes. Don’t forget to add any other accessories to your order that you might like, such as cornice, plinths, and end panels.